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Monadnock Region Rail Trail Collaborative and the Snowmobile Clubs Working
together to make a better Rail Trail Network

The MRRTC was formed in 2018 with the goal to bring together people and
organizations that share the goal and interest for improving and maintaining the
regional rail trails. The MRRTC started by contacting each town a rail trail passed
through as well as conservation commissions and trail groups. The MRRTC’s interest was
mostly non-motorized non-winter use, specifically walking and biking. Soon, the MRRTC
began interacting with local snowmobile clubs with the idea of leveraging each other’s
strengths and resources. The relationship has worked out very well and continues to
grow. The MRRTC is now collaborating with four area snowmobile clubs. Areas of
interaction have been project planning, grant writing, fund raising, trail maintenance,
and equipment purchases. This collaboration involves people with interest in rail trail
use year-round which is a win for all user types. This collaboration is being welcomed by
NH Trails Bureau, the NH Snowmobile Association, and the NH Rail Trail Coalition. All
parties are seeing the benefits of working together for the betterment of the rail trails.
