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Greater Monadnock Collaborative – GMC (formerly Keene-Peterborough Chambers)

Both Bob Meissner and Mike Kowalczyk met with Luca Paris, GMC President, and CEO at
separate times this spring confirming GMC’s interest in and support of the MRRTC. In
summary, these are areas of collaboration: 1) Our rack cards are welcome and on
display; 2) Monadnock Travel Council is now integrated into the GMC simplifying
working together. 3) Luca would like to see us develop a safe “Regional Trail Ride” that
starts in Keene and loops back on the return. 4) We can arrange (through Julie
Schoelzel/Stuart Green) to post our trail map on GMC’s website; 5) Luca sees
opportunity for us to promote our trails via Alpine Bikes 6) We are always
welcome to announce our activities and offerings at any Business Afterhours. 7) As
members we can access the chamber’s eblasts, job postings and newsletter.
