Board Representation
Cheshire County
Monadnock Conservancy
New Hampshire Rail Trail Coalition
Southwest Regional Planning Commission
Keene Sno-Riders

Suzanne Bansley
Cheshire County grants manager/writer and rail trail runner in the Monadnock Region since 2014 enjoys marathon training on the Cheshire and Ashuelot trails and runs with gratitude every time for the stunning vistas, lush tree canopies, water waysides, and miles of uninterrupted pathway

Jeremy Evans
As an avid snowmobiler of many years, and current President of the Keene Sno-Rider’s as well as the Cheshire County Director of the NHSA, I have an strong interest in ensuring that Cheshire County has a robust trail system. I am excited by the synergies and results we can achieve by bringing various user groups together for the benefit of all. The trail system in our area is an outstanding resource which needs to be preserved and developed for all users in all seasons.
Wendy Grossman
I first encountered rail trails after moving to Walpole from the West Coast in 2019. An avid hiker, cyclist, and cross-country skier most of my life, I recognized that rail trails could host all three pursuits. At that time, Walpole’s rail trails were only maintained for winter use. Through the Walpole Trail Committee, I began a quest to keep the rail trail in Walpole open year-round and to improve its condition. This led to interest in the regional rail trail network and membership on the MRRTC Board. I am also a member of the Walpole Conservation Commission and support numerous trail and conservation organizations. My hope is that rail trails in New Hampshire become a true year-round, multi-use system supported in small towns like Walpole as well as in more populous areas.

Mike Kowalczyk
After retiring from Markem-Imaje in 2017, I helped form the Swanzey Rail Trail Advisory Committee which focuses on the restoration and maintenance of the rail trails in Swanzey. Two years letter, I helped form the Monadnock Region Rail Trail Collaborative with the focus on the rail trails in the Monadnock region. The organization has grown nicely, slowly adding folks from around the region. It is very exciting to see people coming together from every area of the region for the common cause of making the rail trails world class. I look forward to the day when people from everywhere come to our corner of the state to ride our rail trail network.

Bob Meissner
Resident of Monadnock Region since 2000 having lived now in four different towns. Currently in Jaffrey enjoying riding the Monadnock trail to the MA state line. Active in the Jaffrey Chamber, the GMC and Monadnock Outdoors. We are also second year beekeepers

Richard Pendleton
Richard is the stewardship coordinator for the Monadnock Conservancy, a land trust for southwest New Hampshire. He ensures that the over 200 conservation easements, totalling over 20,000 acres, are monitored annually. He lives in Peterborough, NH with his wife, has two adult daughters and is an avid cyclist.

Henry Underwood
I work at Southwest Region Planning Commission (SWRPC) – one of New Hampshire’s nine regional planning agencies. At SWRPC, I oversee Geographic Information Systems services and participate in a variety of other agency programs and planning initiatives, including our transportation planning program. I support SWRPC and our member municipalities to approach transportation planning against the backdrop of sustainability, resilience, livability, health, economic vitality and environmental protection. Look for me when you are walking or biking on the Cheshire Rail Trail in Troy.